Call for Annual Meeting Host Proposals
Monday, January 21, 2013 04:46 PM

The OBFS Annual Meeting Committee is accepting proposals from field stations to host the OBFS Annual Meeting in 2015 and beyond.  Hosting an OBFS Annual Meeting at your field station is a great opportunity to highlight your station's programs and facilities, as well as a chance to focus the meeting on a topic that can benefit your Station’s research, education and outreach goals.  As the meeting host, you play a key role in putting together the agenda and choosing the theme of the annual meeting.

To host an OBFS meeting, your field station must have:

  1. sufficient meeting space for 80 or more people,
  2. onsite food service and housing and staff support (or good alternatives).

As future and current OBFS Vice Presidents, respectively, Deedra McClearn and I play a key role in helping the organization to plan our annual meetings.  We are happy to discuss your ideas and provide more information, such as a guide to writing a proposal and copies of successful past proposals, tips from former hosts, and assistance with developing the meeting theme.

If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]om.  

This year's meeting will be held at the Southwestern Research Station in Portal, Arizona and the 2014 annual meeting will be held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts at the Marine Biological Laboratory along with the National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML). 

Thank you,

Karie Slavik, Associate Director
University of Michigan Biological Station