14:22:42 From iPhone Jo : hi everybody! 14:26:12 From Skip Van Bloem : George M led the first workshop I ever attended at a meeting—at ESA—while I was a grad student. Hi George. 14:29:08 From cristinafrancois : Are these talks being recorded? 14:37:56 From georgemiddendorf : Skip- I’m afraid to ask when that meeting was, but glad that we’re both still attending meetings! 14:39:50 From Tom Bansak : Lightning Talks Questions and Discussions Group 1: Education and Outreach Host: Tom Bansak https://umontana.zoom.us/j/97521669700?pwd=STN1RjEwMGFNejdsaFY2WHh2eFhQdz09 (Same link as previous session: Lightning Talks) Group 2: Data Management Host: Paul Wetzel https://smith.zoom.us/j/99698779277 Group 3: Research/Biodiversity Host: Elizabeth Long https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83612326866?pwd=L0kvUVJWRnQ3YlFHTzd1N2NwUE9NQT09 Group 4: Station Profiles Host: Jason Wallace https://fullerton.zoom.us/j/92566053826 Group 5: Art in Science Host: Anne Kelly https://fullerton.zoom.us/j/3631697321 14:44:59 From Alicia Farmer - UMBS (she/her) : The UM Biological Station “9 tips” are here: https://dynamicecology.wordpress.com/2020/08/31/embracing-the-paradox-lessons-learned-from-teaching-virtual-field-courses/ 14:45:35 From Jorge Ramos : Super!! Thanks for sharing these tips!! 14:49:13 From Luanna Prevost (she/her) : https://www.esa.org/4dee/ 14:54:51 From Lara Roketenetz : Can the iDigBio folks share recommendations for photography equipment for specimens? 14:55:37 From Gil Nelson (iDigBio) : Happy to do that Lara. Email me at gnelson@floridamuseum.ufl.edu. 14:55:53 From Caitlin Chapman : It depends on your budget and intended purpose. There are some excellent imaging suites out there but they can be quite costly. On the other side of the coin there are some pretty crafty things one can do with DIY. :) 14:56:05 From Gil Nelson (iDigBio) : Elizabeth Long at Mohonk is also a good resource. 14:56:22 From Erica Krimmel : LInk from that last slide: http://bit.ly/obfs-idigbio-2020 14:56:36 From Alicia Farmer - UMBS (she/her) : Thanks, Erica. Was just going to ask! 14:56:42 From Elizabeth Long (she/her) : Thanks Gil! Happy to chat with anyone about our experience working with iDigBio! 14:57:57 From Cat Chapman (iDigBio) : Good experiences, we hope! 15:00:12 From Elizabeth Long (she/her) : Absolutely, Cat, great experiences! 15:04:48 From Susan Flowers : Welcome, Stuart. My kid at Knox knows you. :-) 15:10:21 From Sarah Oktay : Large NEON Collaboration on this project 15:12:23 From Brian Keas-Au Sable (he/him) : This sounds similar in structure to Lifeplan out of U Helsinki and Duke. Maybe a connection could be made. https://www.helsinki.fi/en/projects/lifeplan 15:12:40 From Elizabeth Long (she/her) : that photo is impressive, stacy! 15:14:02 From Stacy McNulty (she/her) : Thanks. I believe Rosie Gillespie took that photo, Elizabeth. 15:14:29 From Philippe S. Cohen : I agree. Stacy, that photo is enviously gorgeous. Did you take it? 15:14:32 From Stacy McNulty (she/her) : Thanks Brian, would love to hear more in the Q&A. 15:20:02 From Sarah Oktay : featured in the most recent OBFS newsletter 15:20:09 From Sarah Oktay : Fincas was 15:20:10 From Dexter Mardis (he/him/his) : Yay!! 15:23:21 From johnpickering : For info on photo, pls see: 15:23:59 From johnpickering : https://www.discoverlife.org/index/00000000.smallest_vultures 15:24:00 From Lara Roketenetz : That bridge!! Wow! 15:24:08 From Sarah Oktay : beautiful! 15:24:29 From Elizabeth Long (she/her) : these are wonderful 15:24:38 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : Yes- beautiful 15:24:52 From Skip Van Bloem : Amazing murals 15:25:21 From Jorge Ramos : Wow! Super bien! So good to use murals. Yes the role of Murales in Mexico is key to tell stories about the community that were usually not represented in politics. There is a very powerful one here in San Francisco by Diego Rivera about the history in California. 15:25:48 From Stacy McNulty (she/her) : Wonderful murals Rhonda! 15:26:00 From nancylowe : Beautiful murals, thanks for sharing Rhonda! 15:30:26 From Ruby Fulton : If Jason can see this - if you press mute on your end I think the sound would be better. But no worries if not! 15:31:14 From Lesley Knoll - Itasca : wow, fantastic stuff everyone! 15:31:19 From cristinafrancois : thank you Jason! 15:31:21 From Stacy McNulty (she/her) : Interesting work Ruby and Teresa! Here is a different field data visualization - https://www.waterviz.org/ 15:31:29 From Laura Hainsworth : This was a great format. Thanks to all! 15:31:41 From Ruby Fulton : Cool, thanks Stacy! 15:31:45 From Zoe Goodrow : Lightning Talks Questions and Discussions Group 1: Education and Outreach Host: Tom Bansak https://umontana.zoom.us/j/97521669700?pwd=STN1RjEwMGFNejdsaFY2WHh2eFhQdz09 (Same link as previous session: Lightning Talks) Group 2: Data Management Host: Paul Wetzel https://smith.zoom.us/j/99698779277 Group 3: Research/Biodiversity Host: Elizabeth Long https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83612326866?pwd=L0kvUVJWRnQ3YlFHTzd1N2NwUE9NQT09 Group 4: Station Profiles Host: Jason Wallace https://fullerton.zoom.us/j/92566053826 Group 5: Art in Science Host: Anne Kelly https://fullerton.zoom.us/j/3631697321 15:31:46 From Chris Lorentz : Thanks to all the presenters AND to Jason for organizing all of this. Outstanding 15:31:54 From Claudia Luke : I loved this format! It was wonderful introduction to everon'e's programs 15:32:00 From ChrisTracy : great format! 15:32:01 From Rhonda Struminger : Thanks Jason!! 15:38:31 From Jorge Ramos : I have a Q about tools in designing and adapting virtual trips 15:44:17 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : YouTube Jorge? 15:47:33 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : Yes- we use that to remake YouTube videos like you are describing 15:47:58 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : Creative Cloud & youTube 15:48:15 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : Work-study with undergrads maybe? 15:48:23 From Jorge Ramos : Thank you all! 15:49:17 From georgemiddendorf : Check out Echo360 15:49:49 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : Unlisted (non public) YouTube is nicer if you want to control who sees them 15:50:31 From Alicia Farmer - UMBS (she/her) : It seems like some standardization of software would be helpful. Like how there were a bunch of videoconferencing platforms but we all ended up with Zoom. Now we need to know how to share images, how to make movies, etc. 15:50:41 From Alicia Farmer - UMBS (she/her) : And have the “industry standard” to use… 15:51:33 From Luanna Prevost (she/her) : Thanks! 15:52:04 From Jorge Ramos : Have you all officially declared that spring 2021 field courses are going virtual? My university already classified it as remote so I am wondering if I will have less people registered… 15:53:11 From Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Lab) : We dealt with timezone by mixing it up- live, recording, some amazing faculty who stayed up late 15:54:15 From Luanna Prevost (she/her) : My university has designated smaller classes like mine as face2face. I've been wondering if that would reduce registration here if other courses are virtual 15:55:50 From Jorge Ramos : Yes. I wonder who will register for a virtual field trip class. I am having past virtual students give a “I participated in a virtual ecology class last year and it was awesome” testimony lecture 15:59:05 From Jorge Ramos : But our students see this outdoor course as a “relax out of the crazy campus”, so we might be removing more than just a field experience but an “outdoor experience” 15:59:40 From Tom Bansak : 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Open Forum / Social Hour Hosts: Jason Wallace https://umontana.zoom.us/j/96997696434?pwd=SGxMZm5lcnZPRTV5SWFzWC9QZXg3Zz09